Wednesday, February 27, 2019

3 Reasons Your Car is Shaking when you Accelerate

Why does my Car Shake When I Accelerate?

This question comes up more often than you would think. We have new customers and prior customers come in often with this very complaint.

Unfortunately, there isn’t one issue that can cause this. In fact, there are many cause, however most causes are easy to pick up on during a Visual Inspection.

Here are 3 Reasons Why Your Car Shakes when Accelerating.

1.) Tires: Cheap Tires that aren’t well made can make your ride much bumpier, which can attribute to the shaking. You may need a Rotate and Balance, since tires that aren’t balanced properly can cause your car to shake.

Another reason for a shake is that the Internal Belts inside of your tires could also be splitting. In this case, you will need new tires. The shaking this will cause will be of a Thumping nature that is felt through the Steering Wheel if it is a Front Tire. The Thumping is felt in the rear of the vehicle if it is a rear tire.
WARNING: If you feel this, STOP DRIVING. Call a Towing Company to take you and your vehicle Auto Repair shop. This problem could cause a Blowout, which could put you and other drivers on the road at risk.

2.) Engine Misfire: Engine Misfire can be caused by many things. Here are some common causes.
A Faulty Spark Plug, Coil or Coil Pack are some causes. Others include the Fuel Injector, a Vacuum Leak, or a Rich or Lean Condition. The Timing Belt and/or Timing Chain are also common causes for a Misfire.

If your car sets a Check Engine Light of an Engine Misfire, don’t assume it’s a Spark Plug or Coil. Have your ECM checked by a professional who does more than the AutoZone surface scan.

3.) Stuck Brake Calipers: A Stuck Brake Caliper will begin to cause your Vehicle to Shake around 40-55 MPH. Unfortunately, this problem will worsen the more you attempt to speed up. If you
also smell a Burning Oder when Coming to a Stop, plus the Shaking Upon Speeding Up, this could likely be your issue.

A Test Drive with an Experienced Mechanic, along with a Visual Inspection would confirm this issue.

If you suspect any of the following, do not hesitate to Call Pugh’s Service Automotive, in Dover, Delaware. We have been in business for over 70-years and will give you’re car a Free Visual
Inspection and a Test Drive to determine the cause of your car’s shaking.

Call us at 302-734-4231 or visit our website

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