Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Car A/C is Blowing Hot Air! What do I do?!

Imagine this…. After being parked for hours, you get in your car on a beautiful HOT summer day with the windows up. You start your car looking for the rush of Cold, Crisp Refreshing Air and Relief to pour from your Car’s Air Conditioner….

Not today! What you get instead is hotter air than the air you thought you were leaving behind.

Sound Familiar? You’re not alone, misery loves company.

Many times, we don’t think about our car’s Air Conditioner until we need it. Here are a few tips to look for when the above situation happens to you.

To keep things simple, start by checking your fuses. Now, Locate your owner’s manual. That would be the book that comes with your vehicle that nobody ever reads. You will find that it has some real good information in it. Like fuse locations and what fuses operate which system. It even has pictures!

If your Fuses check out, then it’s time to check to make sure you’re A/C switch is on. I know this sounds stupid, but as one of my idols, Forrest Gump, says “stupid is as stupid does.” So, make sure your A/C switch is on, and/or that it lights up.

Like I said, I know how it sounds, but you must be in the repair business to know how often this problem is just cause by the A/C Switch being left off.

Now at this point, if you quit reading, perhaps we struck a nerve. That or you’ve turned on your switch, though I hope it was just because you turned on the switch.

If you are still reading because your fuse is fine and your switch is on, then it’s time to move to our third possibility. Try adjusting your Temperature Setting. 

Does the temperature of the air coming out of the vents change as you turn, slide, or for those digital folks, change your setting? If your air temperature changes from hot to very hot, let’s see if your Air Compressor Clutch is working. If and when you turn your Air Conditioner Switch on or off, and you hear a click, that is a good sign. If you hear nothing, then you may need to have the R134 Freon Level checked.

Please have this done by a Professional Automotive Mechanic. Air Conditioning Systems are very high-pressure systems. This means that without proper testing equipment Over-Charging occurs, causing serious damage to the A/C System.

Another possible reason for you’re A/C System going kaput is the Blend Door Actuators that we see in most of today’s Vehicles. Along with noticing the air temperature coming out of the vents, do you hear a Clicking or a Moving sound coming from inside the dash? If so, then know this… Clicking Bad, Smooth Moving good. Just the opposite of what you want to hear when testing your Air Compressor Clutch.

Lastly, understand that Air Conditioning Systems are complex. From Electronics, High Pressures or Leaks, please take your car to a professional for Diagnosis and Repair. At Pugh’s Service Automotive you can call or email us to schedule an appointment.

We will make sure your Car or Truck keeps you cool, while keeping you and your family safe. We will do a complete Inspection, including injecting dye during the Recharging of your Air Conditioning System, to help us spot any potential Leaks.

Thank you for reading and let the cooler heads prevail.

Phone: 302-734-4231

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