Nothing is worse than running out to your car on a bitter
cold morning, turning the key, and switching on the heat, only to find that your
car’s heater doesn’t want to come on… or worse, the heater only blows cold
During the cold commute to work you begin Googling “Auto
Mechanics near me,” and calling shops for possible causes and estimates for
repair. Unfortunately, nobody can give you a firm answer or a firm price until
they inspect it, because there are several things that could be causing your car’s
heater not to work
One such cause could be that your controls aren’t working.
This would result in your car’s heater not coming on at all. Buttons and
controls are subject to wear over time, so it is possible that all your vehicle
needs are some new buttons. Issues with the circuitry or wiring
could also cause your car’s heater to not come on. If this is the case, it
should be taken to an Automotive Repair Shop like Pugh’s Automotive

Low Coolant or a Plugged Heater Core could
also cause your vehicle’s heater to blow cold air. Coolant Flow is vital
in all climates but is more noticeable on cold days since coolant flow through
the Heater Core is needed to provide you and your car with heat.
If you have checked your Coolant and it is at the proper
level, you could be dealing with a faulty Heater Core or Thermostat. If
your Heater Core is slightly leaking then you will notice a sweet, fruity
smell. This would indicate a Coolant Leak, which if found with
a foggy interior to your car and cold air coming from your heater, it is
likely that your Heater Core is the cause.
To be completely sure of the problem, the best thing to do
is take your vehicle to a professional mechanic. At Pugh’s Automotive Service
in Dover, DE, we provide Free Inspections. That way, if the problem is
easy to diagnose, you don’t get charged unnecessary fees.
If your car is experiencing these issues then stop by 728
Leipsic Rd in Dover, DE for your Free Inspection. You can also visit our
website at or
call (302)734-4231 to schedule your appointment.