Have you ever seen the Temperature Gauge in your car begin
to rise and wondered why? Your Temperature Gauge normally runs to the cool side,
but on this day, it was more to the center of the gauge. Now you are wondering
whether you should be concerned.
Overheating is no small issue, so count yourself fortunate
you saw the needle’s position on the gauge. This is a clear Warning that your
car’s Engine is running Hotter than normal. Below, we provided a couple of common
causes of Overheating.
Check Your Engine Fluids
Once your engine has cooled down, check your fluids. You
will want to closely focus on the level of the Antifreeze and Engine Oil. Pay
attention to both the Level and Condition of each as both aspects could cause
the Overheating of your Engine.
The Antifreeze has a Reservoir with level lines that can
normally be viewed without removing anything. Your Engine Oil Dipstick should
also have clearly marked level lines. Also, if you are able, remove the Radiator
Cap and make sure the Radiator is full to the top with Antifreeze.
Low Antifreeze or Low Engine Oil could be an indicator of a
leak. In most cases leaks are repaired by professionals such as Pugh’s Service
Check Front of Radiator for Debris
After you have checked the fluids and determined they are
okay, then look in the front of the Radiator. What you are inspecting the area
for is any trash or debris. Debris in the front of your Radiator restricts Air
flow to the Cooling System. Proper Air Flow is vital to Engine Temperature, and
if it is restricted, then it will cause your Engine to run hot.
The number of plastic bags and cardboard that can get caught
between the Grill and Radiator is amazing. These obstructions cut down the amount
of fresh air that passes over the Radiator Cooling Fins and is often a reason
that your radiator cannot operate at its best.
Less Obvious Causes
If the above checks provided no answers, then a few other
causes could include a Faulty Thermostat, Electric Cooling Fan, and a Bad Water
Pump. There a host more parts that could cause your Engine to run hot, but all would
require further diagnostics and repair by a professional Automotive Repair Shop.
Do not make the mistake of ignoring this issue. Your
Temperature Gauge indicating that your Engine is overheating can quickly turn
serious and very costly if ignored. Why? Overheating left unattended could lead
to Blown Head Gaskets or even Engine Replacements. Both are costly repairs that
can be avoided if you are sensitive to where your Temperature Gauge points.
Pleas visit Pugh’s Service Automotive in Dover, or call (302)734-4231
to schedule an appointment.