Thursday, March 14, 2019

Second Opinion Auto Repair Inspections Welcomed!

At Pugh's Service Automotive we get a lot of Walk-In Customers that come for Second Opinion Auto Repair Quotes given by other companies.

Unfortunately, many of these New Customers feel guilty for seeking Second Opinion Diagnoses and Quotes. We at Pugh’s Service Automotive have some good news for you…

Seeking Second Opinion Automotive Repair Quotes is nothing to be ashamed of! In fact, it’s a great idea! Here are some reasons why….

1.) It can Save Money:
Many places do Courtesy Checks as a part of their initial Inspections. Pugh’s Service Automotive also does this as a Free 30-Point Inspection. However, there are places that will try to up-sell you on repairs that don’t need to be completed at that time.

Brake Problems illustrate this point quite well. We at Pugh’s Service Automotive have had several people tell us stories. They went to one service center to and were told that they would need new Front and Rear Brakes. Upon our Intake Inspections though, we would find that only one set of Brakes needed Replacement.

Of course, if on set is at half of its depth or less, we will let you, our customers know. However, we will recommend when a replacement is optimum based on your Driving Habits.

2.) Making sure you Fix the Right Problem:
We would all like to think that all Auto Repair shops would be on the up and up, but that just isn’t the case anymore. At Pugh’s Service Automotive we have heard quite a few stories about how customer X had repairs done at shop Y two plus times, only to never have the issue fixed.

Getting a Second Opinion on your Auto Repair and Quote can help stop this from happening.
Like we mentioned above, we give Free Inspections, and that includes Second Opinions for those who are unsure of the first Diagnosis.

Electrical and Charging Issues that can be difficult to Diagnose are the typical cause of this. When these issues pop up, some shops will start “Throwing Parts” at the issue without knowing the root cause.

At Pugh’s Service Automotive, we will keep you in loop the entire time through our Diagnosis Process. This way you never feel that we are not being completely up front with you.

3.) It Gives You Peace of Mind:
Instead of your Car, imagine that it was you, your child, or your pet that was having issues. One doctor tells you that there is nothing wrong without doing any tests. Would you settle for that? No!

You should use the same logic for your car. If you feel like the issue isn’t getting fixed, then search for a Trustworthy Auto Repair Shop. One that you feel confident in. If you don’t, then how can you ever achieve peace of mind?

Nobody wants to be second guessing their bills, because they are wondering if the Mechanic fixed the right issue. It causes undo stress, and we at Pugh’s Service Automotive are dedicated to alleviating that stress.

Next time you find yourself second guessing your decision to get a Second Opinion Auto Diagnosis remember two things. One, Second Opinions are good things and can save you time, money, and stress. Two, Pugh’s Service Automotive welcomes customers like you and always has your back!

Monday, March 11, 2019

3 Warning Signs saying You Need New Brakes

Do I need new Brakes?

This is a question that we get all of the time. The only way to know for sure is to Inspect the vehicle. However, there several Warning Signs that your car sends to let you know that you need new Brakes.

Here are a few.

1.) There is a funny burning smell when you apply the brakes. This is a big problem. It is a sign your Brakes are overheating. You should bring your car in for a Brake Inspection as soon as possible.

2.) Your Brake Pedal feels spongy when you press down. This could be anything from air in your Brake Lines to failing Calipers. The only way to know for certain is to take your car to Auto Shop for a Brake Inspection.

3.) Your Brakes grind when you hit the Brake Pedal. This is a very good sign that something is wrong with your Brake System. Grinding indicates that there is metal on metal. This means that your Brakes are worn out, and that the Brake is now grinding on the Rotor.

If you are experiencing any of these Brake Warning Signs, take your car to an Auto Repair Shop.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

3 Reasons Why Your Car Heater Smells Funny

Does your car’s Heater Smell Funny when you Turn It On? If so, do you know what it means?

If you don’t, here is a Guide to some of the more Common Smells that come from your Heater, and what they mean.

Sweet, Maple Syrup Smell

If you turn on your car’s Heater and get a Sweet, Maple Syrup-like Smell, chances are you have an Anti-Freeze Leak…. That or somebody is having some pancakes topped with Maple Syrup in your back seat.

This could either be due to a Leaking Hose or a Leaking Heater Core. The only real way to tell is to take your vehicle to an Auto Repair Shop. This way, an Experienced Mechanic can properly Diagnose the issue.

Burning Plastic Smell

If a Burning Plastic Smell is coming from your car’s Heater, then you probably have Bad Blower Motor. That, or the Blower Resistor, or other related Electronics are getting too hot. If these parts are the culprits, you will only experience the Burning Smell when you turn your car’s heater on.

Do not confuse these with other Burning Smells that you notice if your car’s heater is off. Burning Oil, Overheated Brakes, or Burnt Vacuum Lines are among these culprits.

In either event, call Pugh’s Service Automotive to schedule a Free Inspection. This way we can help you get to the bottom of a very dicey issue.

Rotten Egg Smell

A Bad Catalytic Converter or Old Gear Lube can cause your Heater to put off a nasty Rotten Egg Smell. If this is the case, you will probably only smell this if your car's Fresh Intake is on.

Another Cause is that somebody put a stink bomb into your Fresh Air Intake while you weren’t looking.

All jokes aside, the most common cause of the Rotten Egg Smell is the Hydrogen Sulfide. This can be caused by a bad Catalytic Converter.

The only way to cure this problem is to leave the Fresh Air Intake off until the root problem is fixed. Fortunately, Pugh’s Service Automotive in Dover, Delaware provides Free Inspections. This will help tell us what that root problem is.

To Schedule an appointment visit our website or Call (302)734-4231

How do I know when my Car needs maintenance?

  It may seem common knowledge, but the busy nature of the world around us does not leave people with the ability to learn how to recogniz...